Preservation Trades and Workforce Development
Issue Brief
Not intended as a comprehensive study, this Issue Brief is designed to build mutual understanding of the topic, spark conversation, and inspire action at the local and state levels. (PDF)
Case Studies
Brief examples of work in the field, with tips, lessons learned, and contacts. (PDF)
Internship Program (Newport Restoration Foundation)
Living Trades Academy (Michigan Historic Preservation Network)
Also visit the National Trust’s Case Study Explorer for more examples — and to add your own!
Webinar Recording
How to Incorporate Preservation Training into Your Construction Project
This June 2022 webinar for members of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers described the International Masonry Institute’s (IMI) Historic Masonry Preservation Certificate Program.
Funding Sources
Preservation Technology and Training Grants, National Center for Preservation Technology and Training — applications due January 16, 2024.
Partners in Training Grants, National Preservation Education Foundation. Applications typically due December 1 annually.
Also see the Funding page for general preservation funding opportunities.
If you know of other funding opportunities specific to this issue, please let us know!
Building Works: Building a New Preservation Trades Network in Rhode Island, by Kelsey Mullen, September 12, 2023.
With funding in part from the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Moe Family Fund for Statewide and Local Partners, the Providence Preservation Society partnered with Heritage Restoration Inc. to create a new trades training program. With 80% of graduates finding full-time employment, the program is delivering results. Learn more here.
Learn More
Far from comprehensive, this list offers some external resources to learn more about the issue. If you have suggestions for others (or find a broken link), please let us know.
Reports/Policy Statements
Status of Historic Trades in America (2022). Preservation Maryland’s Campaign for Historic Trades commissioned this landmark analysis sponsored by the Historic Preservation Training Center and conducted by PlaceEconomics. The study quantifies the need for historic preservation trades workers, makes the case for funding to support a larger and better-trained workforce, and includes infographics and other tools you can use to help spread the word.
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Policy Statement on Promotion and Value of Traditional Trades Training (2020). This five-page statement summarizes the importance of preservation trades training, identifies priority needs, and makes recommendations for actions by federal agencies.
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Traditional Trades Training. This initiative of the federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation promotes the development of a robust workforce in the skilled preservation trades. They offer many more resources, from training programs and advocacy groups to videos and studies.
Campaign for Historic Trades. Led by Preservation Maryland, this campaign complements the work of the Advisory Council. It includes developing an open-source curriculum for historic trades training and securing federal recognition of trades apprenticeship programs.
HistoriCorps. This nonprofit provides volunteers of all skill levels with hands-on experience preserving historic structures on public lands across America.
National Center for Preservation Trades and Training. Located in Natchitoches, LA, this research and education center is part of the National Park Service's National Center for Cultural Resources. It conducts research, develops and disseminates technical information, provides training and education on preservation technologies and techniques, and administers the Preservation Technology and Training Grants program.
National Park Service Historic Preservation Training Center. Located in Frederick, MD, the Training Center offers educational courses in historic preservation and related design and construction fields for employees seeking to develop careers and skills for work in national parks or partner facilities.
National Park Service Traditional Trades Advancement Program. Every year, this program places aspiring preservationists at national parks across the country to preserve cultural resources and crucial infrastructure.
National Trust for Historic Preservation HOPE Crew. The HOPE (Hands-On Preservation Experience) Crew works to rebuild historic trades through training, research, and digital documentation. It partners with other organizations to introduce students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) to preservation and related career paths.
Preservation Trades Network. This nonprofit supports existing trades education programs and provides a network for people in the traditional trades, from experienced masters to those seeking to develop their skills.
Timber Framers Guild. Dedicated to the craft of timber framing, this membership association holds conferences, sponsors community-building workshops, coordinates regional gatherings, offers professional development and education, and publishes a member magazine and a quarterly journal.
Window Preservation Alliance. This organization educates the public about the beauty, craftsmanship, and energy efficiency of original windows and supports the people and businesses who restore them.
Do you have a best practice, case study, example, tool, or other resource that might help others? Please email it to Jim Lindberg or Rebecca Harris at jlindberg@savingplaces.org or rharris@prespartners.org. Thank you!
Top Photo: Participants in the 2019 Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program of the National Park Service. Credit: National Park Service, Traditional Trades Apprenticeship Program.